12 Ocak 2013 Cumartesi

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This is my first post on how I make extra $$$. Keep in mind that this is not going to bring you in tons of money, but it will contribute to your total earnings. I have decided to not use this method anymore and just keep my personal blog so I thought I would share with everyone. *If you scale this method up and make lots of blogs like this, I'm sure it could become a full-time income.

With this method you can earn from Adsense, Amazon, CPA, etc.

1. Do some keyword research on what you want your blog to be about.

2. Go create a free blog with Blogger and be sure to name your blog/URL something that very fittingly goes with your keyword(s). Don't include random numbers or abbreviations. Use dashes (-) if you have to. Keep the URL to 4 words max if possible.

3. Edit your Blogger template to blend with your niche. For example, if you were writing about Depression, you wouldn't want a dark template, you would want a template with light, relaxing colors. This makes the site look more legit. *While in Layout section of the template designer, choose the second one over that has a sidebar.

4. Go into your Settings tab and edit your blog's description. Be as detailed as possible, including your keywords at least once.

5. Back at the Design tab, remove the About Me and Followers gadgets. This should still leave the Blog Archive there. You will want to keep it for later.

6. Add a new gadget (Adsense) and place it above the blog posts. This ad should be a banner, or if it can fit, make it a full leaderboard. Blend the colors with your template manually because sometimes Blogger gets confused lol. *The ad background should be the same color as your post background.

7. In the sidebar, add another Adsense gadget that is a wide skyscraper. Blend the background like the other ad you placed.

8. Click on the edit link where it says Blog Posts. Change number of posts on main page to 1, un-check everything except for the share buttons and the ad, then edit the ad to be placed below to blend, but change it to a large rectangle before doing so.

9. Go back to your settings tab and go to Site Feed. From the dropdown select Full syndication.

10. Go to feedburner.com and make an account if you don't have one. Burn a feed with a link to your Atom feed. Feedburner will make you choose RSS or Atom when burning the feed. After getting your feed URL, go back to your blog and add the URL where it says Post Feed Redirect URL. Save.

11. Write 3-5 articles at least 150 words on your niche, using your keywords at least 3 times. Do not post these on the blog as a post. Instead, you are going to make a new page with the title of your article.

12. After adding all your articles into pages, make a new post on the main page with static links to your article pages. Title this post "Sitemap."

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